An annual general meeting is held in late September or early October, alternating between the Coast and Interior. Usually, we visit an interesting or historic site and have a guest speaker who presents information on a forestry topic of regional significance.
The executive meets quarterly to deal with the association’s business, discuss current issues and make plans for future activities.
We publish a newsletter featuring forestry stories, requests for information, notices of meetings, lists of new publications, project updates, and other items of general interest.
We have written and/or published reports on the history of the BC Forest Service as well as biographies of prominent BC foresters. Some of our members have published their own works on forest history or their autobiographies.
The executive has written to individual companies, industrial organizations, and government agencies urging that they conserve their historical records, conduct research into their own history, and preserve historic properties and sites.
The President and other members of the executive, as well as some of the members, have spoken at meetings, symposia, and conferences on forest history topics.
The association has issued awards of merit to those individuals, companies, or other organizations which have especially furthered the cause of forest history in the province.
The FHABC has maintained display booths at annual meetings of the Truck Loggers Association, the Canadian Institute of Forestry, and the Association of British Columbia Forest Professionals. We also present annual book prizes to the top students who wrote the ABCFP entrance exams.
The FHABC maintains contact with other like-minded forest history organizations in Canada and the United States.